The Program
A weekly session with Wise Women Workouts will give you the kick start you need to motivate you to keep your health a priority. We will work on balance, strength and flexibility, and there will always be tips for you to exercise at home. Exercise should not be ‘once a week’ - it needs to be ‘whenever the opportunity arises'. You will learn simple exercises to do at home, and how to incorporate incidental exercise into your daily routine.
Sessions are capped at 15 participants in the Hall to ensure safety and personal attention for all.
*All participants need to bring their own yoga mat and fitball. Fitballs are available from us at competitive prices - please do not go out and buy from a discount store if you do not have a fitball.
Sessions are capped at 15 participants in the Hall to ensure safety and personal attention for all.
*All participants need to bring their own yoga mat and fitball. Fitballs are available from us at competitive prices - please do not go out and buy from a discount store if you do not have a fitball.
As we age we tend to move less, and sit more. Movement requires balance . . . sitting does not, and gradually our sense of balance is eroded. Without regularly challenging the body in unbalanced situations, the brain and body slow down in their responses. Just as we need to train muscles to stay strong as we age . . . we need to train the brain to stay strong, and keep neural pathways intact.
Try this Balance Exercise:
Try this Balance Exercise:
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and your weight equally distributed on both legs. Hold a full water bottle in your left hand, with your palm facing upward. Raise your right leg off the floor and bend it back at the knee.
- Hold the position for as long as you can whilst maintaining good form - aim for 30 seconds.
- Return to the start position and repeat, raising your left leg whilst holding the bottle in your right hand. As your balance improves, increase the duration of your hold, and repeat a few times.
- To add to the challenge, balance on the leg opposite your weighted bottle; use a heavier weight, or try while standing on a cushion or other unstable surface.
- Still doing well? OK Smartie Pants, do some bicep curls whilst balanced on one leg now!
The benefits of strength training improving muscle mass and bone development are well documented. Recent research shows promise for added benefits in reducing the risk of heart diesase and adult-onset diabetes, lifting depression, relieving symptoms of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, and easing sleep problems. You will use dumbells and resistance bands for exercise during our training sessions, and learn to do some body weight exercises regularly at home.
Try this Back Extension exercise which strengthens muscles in your back and buttocks:
Lie face down on a mat with your legs straight and toes pointed.
Try this Back Extension exercise which strengthens muscles in your back and buttocks:
Lie face down on a mat with your legs straight and toes pointed.
- Place your left arm palm down on the floor above your head, and your right arm palm up by your side.
- Lifting from the hip, and keeping your leg straight, raise your right leg and left arm as high off the floor as you can.
- Your head and neck will rise too, and should stay in line with your arm.
- Move with a smooth flowing motion, and pause at the top of the lift before returning to the start position.
- Repeat 8 – 10 times on each side. Rest, then repeat.
Stretching after exercise is both relaxing and beneficial. To maintain flexibility we need to consciously make an effort to stretch regularly - particularly those who are desk-bound for hours at a time. Stretching will reduce back pain and provides instant feel-good feedback. Working with a fitball provides enormous opportunity to roll out and stretch, and you will learn moves to practise at home throughout the week.